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About us

Thank you for being here.

An anastomosis is the (re)unification of two divergent structures, such as water streams, leaf veins, blood vessels or, disconnected societies.

Originally coming from ancient greek, it literally means ''furnish with a mouth''. We like to call it ''a voice'' and give it one.


We like to put our energy into creating a safe and loving space for our community through art, play, creation and lots of joy. We are particularly inspired by children, their innocence and wholeness and want to be around them as much as possible.


Joaquim Pedro likes to point paths and invite people to follow them. Whether it's directing, teaching to model paper, how to use your body or following a fresh stream of imagination, this is what he does. He likes to write, draw, build marionettes, tell stories and kiss babies with loud and heartfelt kisses.

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Diana Carmen likes structure. In speaking, acting, designing, cutting the nails of her baby, she likes to do it with structure. But not in dancing. She has a keen eye for organizing and producing things. She's determined and loves to do things. She also loves chickens. She loves and kisses chickens the way she kisses babies..


In the summer of 2018, in a small theater in Amsterdam's red light district, we met and became friends, sharing a love for art, games and onion. After doing our first performance there and more things happening in between, we moved to different places until we settled there where the food is best. We are passionate about theatre and all things around it. Besides creating performances and plays, we offer workshops on acting, building marionettes and awareness through motion. We also offer different art workshops for children. And storytelling. Some about chickens and babies, but not all.




We are seeing a triumph of economics over family life, and we're all being pulled.

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