Previous shows
Here you can see a selection of our previous works,
including some long street performances.
Adam's other rib
A play by Joaquim Pedro Ferreira. With Eleftheria Vakaki, Roberto Bacchilega, Alexander Singh
2016 to 2018 at AstaroTheatro Amsterdam
The man dreams and the dream takes form.
The dream is a nothingness dressed in expectations and will. Then it becomes.
Through machinery and science. Blind and obedient.
The man takes his own rib – playing God – and with his rib makes his image’s desire.
But that was the Professor’s mistake. He anchored his dream in a false fantasy.
And from love he built poison. His undying creation sealing his own mortality.
The departure of the master
A play in memory of Leonard Cohen - End performance of Life Actors Workshop at AstaroTheatro
Amsterdam 2018
The master left us. In his place a void, unfillable, silent.
But his words stayed behind.
With a dry throat the creatures in the stage start moving.
Looking back at them the master would smile.
The unbearable weight of nothing
A long duration street performance by Joaquim Pedro Ferreira - INTER NOS Festival - Amsterdam 2018.
A man fights against a human wave to get to you. When the eye contact is lost, a connection is severed. Carried away by the wave, the man wavers, falls and rises again, looking for the only connection that matters. Human love.